Data table
Data tables are used to organize and display all information from a data set. While a data visualization represents part of data set, a data table lets merchants view details from the entire set. This helps merchants compare and analyze the data.
Data table component examples
Use to present small amounts of data for merchants to view statically.
import {Page, LegacyCard, DataTable} from '@shopify/polaris';
import React from 'react';
function DataTableExample() {
const rows = [
['Emerald Silk Gown', '$875.00', 124689, 140, '$122,500.00'],
['Mauve Cashmere Scarf', '$230.00', 124533, 83, '$19,090.00'],
'Navy Merino Wool Blazer with khaki chinos and yellow belt',
return (
<Page title="Sales by product">
'SKU Number',
'Net quantity',
'Net sales',
totals={['', '', '', 255, '$155,830.00']}
- columnContentTypes'text' | 'numeric'[]
List of data types, which determines content alignment for each column. Data types are "text," which aligns left, or "numeric," which aligns right.
- headingsReact.ReactNode[]
List of column headings.
- totals?any[]
List of numeric column totals, highlighted in the table’s header below column headings. Use empty strings as placeholders for columns with no total.
- totalsName?{ singular: React.ReactNode; plural: React.ReactNode; }
Custom totals row heading.
- showTotalsInFooter?boolean
Placement of totals row within table.
- rowsany[][]
Lists of data points which map to table body rows.
- hideScrollIndicator?boolean
Hide column visibility and navigation buttons above the header when the table horizontally collapses to be scrollable.
Defaults to false.
- truncate?boolean
Truncate content in first column instead of wrapping.
Defaults to true.
- verticalAlign?'top' | 'bottom' | 'middle' | 'baseline'
Vertical alignment of content in the cells.
Defaults to 'top'.
- footerContent?any
Content centered in the full width cell of the table footer row.
- hoverable?boolean
Table row has hover state. Defaults to true.
- sortable?boolean[]
List of booleans, which maps to whether sorting is enabled or not for each column. Defaults to false for all columns.
- defaultSortDirection?'ascending' | 'descending' | 'none'
The direction to sort the table rows on first click or keypress of a sortable column heading. Defaults to ascending.
Defaults to 'ascending'.
- initialSortColumnIndex?number
The index of the heading that the table rows are initially sorted by. Defaults to the first column.
Defaults to 0.
- onSort?(headingIndex: number, direction: 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'none') => void
Callback fired on click or keypress of a sortable column heading.
- increasedTableDensity?boolean
Increased density.
- hasZebraStripingOnData?boolean
Add zebra striping to data rows.
- stickyHeader?boolean
Header becomes sticky and pins to top of table when scrolling.
- hasFixedFirstColumn?boolean
- DeprecatedAdd a fixed first column on horizontal scroll. Use fixedFirstColumns={n} instead.
- fixedFirstColumns?number
Add fixed columns on horizontal scroll.
- firstColumnMinWidth?string
Specify a min width for the first column if neccessary.
- pagination?Omit<, 'type'>
Properties to enable pagination at the bottom of the table.
Best practices
Data tables should:
- Show values across multiple categories and measures.
- Allow for filtering and ordering when comparison is not a priority.
- Help merchants visualize and scan many values from an entire data set.
- Help merchants find other values in the data hierarchy through use of links.
- Minimize clutter by only including values that supports the data’s purpose.
- Include a summary row to surface the column totals.
- Not include calculations within the summary row.
- Wrap instead of truncate content. This is because if row titles start with the same word, they’ll all appear the same when truncated.
- Not to be used for an actionable list of items that link to details pages. For this functionality, use the resource list component.
Column content types are built into the component props so the following alignment rules are followed:
- Numerical = Right aligned
- Textual data = Left aligned
- Align headers with their related data
- Don’t center align
Content guidelines
Headers should:
- Be informative and descriptive
- Concise and scannable
- Include units of measurement symbols so they aren’t repeated throughout the columns
- Use sentence case (first word capitalized, rest lowercase)
Temperature °C
Column content should:
- Be concise and scannable
- Not include units of measurement symbols (put those symbols in the headers)
- Use sentence case (first word capitalized, rest lowercase)
Keep decimals consistent. For example, don’t use 3 decimals in one row and 2 in others.
Related components
- To create an actionable list of related items that link to details pages, such as a list of customers, use the resource list component.
Native HTML tables provide a large amount of structural information to screen reader users. Merchants who rely on screen readers can navigate tables and identify relationships between data cells (<td>) and headers (<th>) using keys specific to their screen reader.
Sortable tables use the aria-sort attribute to convey which columns are sortable (and in what direction). They also use aria-label on sorting buttons to convey what activating the button will do.
Use tables for tabular data.
Use tables for layout. For a table-like layout that doesn’t use table HTML elements, use the resource list component.
Keyboard support
Sorting controls for the data table component are implemented with native HTML buttons.
- Give buttons keyboard focus with the tab key (or shift + tab when tabbing backwards)
- Activate buttons with the enter/return and space keys